But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly,

his faith is counted for righteousness.


Grace For Today radio broadcast

Grace For Today

the radio ministry of

Grace Bible Church / Brooklyn

Sunday mornings at 10:00 am

on radio station WMCA in NYC

– 570 am and 102.3 fm

 streaming on WMCA.com

The good news of the grace of God:

     “Christ died for our sins” - 1 Corinthians 15:3

What we need to do:

     Saved by the grace of God thru faith - Eph. 2:8

We are sealed in Christ – cannot be lost again:

    Sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit - Eph.1:13

Grace for living each day:

     Not I who live, but Christ lives in me - Gal. 2:20 Our destiny:

   Caught up to meet Christ in the air - I Thes. 4:17

Pastor Joe Torres and

the members of Grace Bible Church / Brooklyn

welcome you to visit the church on Sunday morning:

The Sunday service begins at 11:00am.

The church address is 52 Bridge Street in Brooklyn, NY

…in the “DUMBO” neighborhood.

Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.

By subway:  F train to York Street Station.  

By car:        The BQE goes thru DUMBO. The Manhattan

and Brooklyn Bridges come into Brooklyn

near the DUMBO neighborhood.

Have questions? Need information? Contact us:

by phone and text:      973 819-6903

by email:                     info@gracefortoday.org

by  mail:                      Grace Bible Church / Brooklyn

                  P.O.  Box  23183

                  Brooklyn, NY 11202 - 3183

“Learn more

about the


of God’s Grace

that the Lord

Jesus Christ

from heaven

gave to the

Apostle Paul.”